Friday, March 28, 2008

i don't feel like working

i only feel like enjoying life.

-playing badminton
-chionging games online
-reading on books on my bed that are bought but haven't read for don't know how many years
-indulge in some good food (steaks, basically meat)
-go out with friends for meet-ups
-sports (running, basketball, badminton, soccer)
-sleeping at home in the cool afternoon
-playing with baby zx which i now know how to make him cry (just make him feel like freefalling, i think he will come to enjoy the rush of adrenaline when he grows up)
-do some relax jobs like tutoring (high-paying job with min. working hours)
-read up on psychology, and plan on how to proceed further
-ride on a bicycle and visit the sembawang beach, or some other places which are cooling, relaxing, lots of breeze... or maybe just ride to familiar places
-finish up the project for her becuz it's on my table for freaking long
-start on my own project, i'm left with...7 months to complete. with school and procastination setting in, i think i have a big chance of not being able to complete it by then
-writing up an essay of "The World without Money". it may seem insignificant and ridculous, but it was, and still is, my ideal evolution of this world. or is it, de-evolution.
-tune up my guitar which is abandoned, and hopefully learn some guitar on myself (so i can charm those xmm, haha... kidding) mostly to enjoy music.
-check out some paranormal and psychic stuffs. bending the spoon with willpower is something not only fun, but somehow i feels it brings you to a higher level of mind. imagine, with enough mind power, from a simple piece of rectangular acrylic, i can turn it into a photoframe in just minutes.
-learn martial arts of some form. sparring is fun. basically i like anything that brings competition and excitement. that includes academic side. the adrenaline comes when i recieved the test paper and i know nuts about it. (e.g. Fmaths)
-currently i have 3 health problems. maybe it's the busy life, didn't really care much about them. so i should if i want to enjoy life.
-go on a holiday! alone! or group! i dont care! cruise! the beach! BIKINIS - jking.

but now i'm stuck in office and i'm wasting every mornings surfing the net, just to get me settled down to do work after lunch. i don't like to do projects, especially not yours and you dont really know what to do. there's not really a specific deadline. i don't feel stress. i'm only stressed over me being not stressed.

i just wanna go home, on my computer, sit infront of monitor and chiong cabal until i wanna sleep.

today's friday. weekend nothing much on. bday party, facial maybe, or soccer.

ppl have been commenting on me.
no life, no style.
i admit to having no style. wearing shorts and slippers seem like a big taboo to the others but not me. simple and comfortable.
having no life... weekdays ba. weekends i ususally live in the virtual reality. that's a lot of life to me. hahaha...

oh, lunch time again before i actually get down to finishing up this stupid project.

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