Friday, September 9, 2011

a sense of this-is-going-nowhere

it has probably happened a few times in the recent mid-sems.
this weird sense of ?
the feeling of being lost in the open sea.
something that i like to avoid feeling with all the possible events that i could fill my days with.
but in my final year,
this feeling got much stronger than before.
apart from the feeling of "i'm not doing anything about my studies",
i'm also not doing anything in my life.

well, guess i better start somewhere.
this life ain't going live itself.

it's been a while since i had a phone conversation that long.
and my phone battery was nearly gone towards the end.

the fact that i didn't really like talking on the phone was quite a huge question mark to me.
i don't really know why, but perhaps it's been so long since i've chatted on the phone, it becomes something that i naturally avoid.

oh shitz, that reminds me i forgot to call someone. damn it.

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