Monday, June 2, 2008

ice cream

nothing like a little ice cream to make a sunday better.

with some ba zhangs which my mum made yesterday.

got my lappy back.
it's time to start on my '21' project
and i just realise my lappy got no lightscribe capability even though it has lightscribe program. wthell? how come all along i have the illusion it's lightscribe-enabled? smlj. 2k with no lightscribe.

was talking about girl making use of guys.
hmmm... if you're such a wimp to do stupid things just to please the girl in the most unsensible ways, then you're probably ain't appreciated by the girl. just keep hoping. until one day the girl suddenly wakes up from her abusive behavior. i don't know if that is called attention-seeking or what.

i was kinda thinking if someone within my close social circle is doing this kind of shitz, probably get all kinds of ~!@#$%^&*()_+ from me and rest.

love. what are you actually seeking for in love? security? that she won't run away with another. in other words, faithful. assurance? that she will stay by your side despite all odds. i think that's faithful too. heck.

why do i feel tired after 7 hours of sleep. bloody overnight low wage job.

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