Tuesday, January 31, 2012

FYP draft 1

progress: negligible

the past few days have been just searching and saving more and more pdf articles into my personal folder and not writing or reading much.

there's this uneasiness feeling that is filling up my mind at the moment and it's taking a lot of willpower to contain it and not avoid the situation by doing other stuffs, a.k.a procrastination. the more i put off writing and reading, the more uneasy i feel. it's taking over my thoughts and my body. i could almost consciously know that i'm shaking my leg but i can't really stop it because it helps in shaking off that uneasiness.

i hate to be stressed when i wake up.
i hate to be stressed when i eat.
i hate to be stressed when i rest.
i hate to be stressed when i sleep.

it's like a self-torment cycle that goes on until i finish this grad essay.

today's graduation program seminar didn't really help much.
knowing that one day i would have to do research, conduct experiment, etc etc... that's okay.
i hate the researching where to go part, application part, and in the midst of masters or phd, defending my thesis part.

let me seek for some other routes which i would willingly devote myself to torment to instead of getting my proposed work get scrutinized and trampled on by antecedents.

but first, let me get this KNN 30-page essay done first.

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