Thursday, September 23, 2010

facebook dependent

read this off on one of the xkcd comics.

"Facebook defines relationships. 'Yeah, we would have broken up last night, but the net connection was down."

sometimes i feel technology is something that we've abused too much of.
so much it deprived ourselves from the physical interaction of lives.
is it wrong? is it revolution? evolution?
but is it correct?

i laughed at myself last night for feeling lonely and needing someone to talk to.
these are times whereby i indulged myself in some personal writing with my hands off the keyboard. just pen and paper.

subjectively, the words that i wrote down rather than typed out, felt more closer to me, with more feelings, more reminiscence. i can basically see my own frustration in writing becuz the handwriting just gets from bad at the start until illegible towards the end. haha..

i wish life was simple.
but my mind makes everything complicated.
my heart mixes simplicity and complexity.
and i vowed to control this mix and in the process make life simple once again.

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