Wednesday, March 17, 2010

13th March 2010

In the late hours of a normal friday night, sons and daughters all recieved news to rush to her side as her breathing got critically impaired. Everyone dropped whatever they were doing, as if the start of a relaxing weekend was overtaken in priority. Few get to see her last moments, as the experts tried hard to extend a deadline.

It was a torturous wait. There was that expression of 'Please be okay' showing around me. I couldn't sit. Standing seemed to be a better option of preserving even a bit more hope. Nothing seemed to be calming the situation down. Our eyes fixed on anything that strolled by.

As if to break the silence, the expert appeared and announced the undesired. My eyes went red. Their eyes overflowed. I tried to covered up with whatever calmness I have left. But emotions never lie.

I still don't know how to be okay with it. I just knew I cry myself to sleep that night.

And as time goes by, I will try not to let this feeling fades. It's the something that she has left for me. It may not be the best thing to remember her by, but I just don't want to lose this feeling. Becuz I have already lost her.

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