Monday, November 9, 2009

Jap 3 Listening Test

as usual and expected, i screwed up my jap listening test today. have always been the case even for jap 1 & 2. the rest of the class seemed rather confident. i kinda peeked at some for answers. yes, i'm not ethical. i can't just be guessing abcd right? i estimated a 85% of guessing in the paper. seriously, why is my listening so bad? why i can't catch wthell are they talking about? how come others can catch? -_- tmd. i should learn to watch some jap shows or start watching anime again. most of them do. gotta get marks on jap from the thursday oral and the next next tue paper, or else the screwed listening is going to pull my grades down.

rainy day.

今日 雨が ふることと 風が ふくことが ありました。
私は 優しい 風が すきですから、 雨が ふって いて、 がっ校の benchで 寝ました。

i have no idea whether what i wrote is correct or not. haha...

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