Thursday, December 1, 2011


As I was studying for my last paper for the sem, this song keep replaying in my head. it's the chorus part that really got me stuck on this song. zhang yu, classic~

song kinda described the despair, depicted by the female in the mv, that she had to face when she decided to leave the guy. hmm.. usually a singer's music video protrayed a same gender as the singer him/her-self. but in this case, it's the other way.

old song. but old songs are good.
perhaps due to the bias that if they're not good, they won't not be shown now already. these would perhaps push all the besties in the best into the oldies section and leave the main bulk of oldies in the unheard section.

and i'm using my sis's laptop to revise, and got distracted.
i hate it when i don't have time to read the textbook and then after the paper the txtbk becomes a unneeded existence.
and i also hate it when i can't read the chapters twice before i enter the exam hall.

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