Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jewel of the Palace

i just watched maybe 1 hour of Jewel of the Palace, or more commonly known in chinese as Da Chang Jin; the girl who was in the royal kitchen, then after being exiled becuz of conviction towards poisoning the King, went back into the palace to be a medical doctor who diagnose the King original's illness and helped her friend who was the concubine of the King to safely give birth to the King's child.

seriously i don't really find much connection from this drama series to my module of science or fiction. it's based on a true story. everything's rather correct in terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine. but the take home message the lecturer gives is that TCM's strength comes in taking in account the various symptoms that the patients are giving. more than what they are complaining of, for example the colour of their skin, toes, fingers, pulse, palpation which is pressing and touching of various parts of the body. in other words, a more holistic interpretation for a more accurate diagnosis.

medicine, can be good and bad, depending on the circumstances in which the patients consume them.

i miss the times when i hum the song when my mum was so much indulged in the series...
wutala wutala lalilula - that's how i interpret the starting of the song. haha..

youtube's giving me problems nowadays. destiny destined me to study instead of watching too much videos to keep me on the books. haha.. so just a link to the video of the theme song. quite a strong feeling presented by the song. brings out such a deep strongness that i believe it's worth a learn. even if only sometimes we can be that strong, and even if that only some times that we're required to be strong, those times are the most significant in the living memories and for the leading future.

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