Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3 down.

mon - engin psych.

paper was fine until it asked me to explain the success of iPhone and facebook using concepts from emotional design and also why it's hard for interaction between humans and smart systems. can't think of anything to write.

given my midterms of average in class, a rather well presentation but perhaps mediocre report, with this paper... B+.

tues - Sci or Fic.

50 mcqs, almost every one of them a killer especially the last 20 questions; each have at least 2 correct options. you need to give the exact number of options that are correct inorder to get 2 marks. don't feel too good about it... another B+.

today - bio psy.

didn't sleep before the morn paper cuz i wanted to read the txtbk and the tues paper was in the late evening. mcq, fill-in-the-blanks, and the bloody essays. it seemed that essays ain't gonna be easy if i just rmb the facts, not the points. drawings' not my forte. haha... 92% for midterms and 70% for presentation, hopefully can push for a... A-.

2 more papers, the harder 2 i think.
just slept for 2 hrs or so.
time to get cracking again.

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