Sunday, October 26, 2008


there are some times in the year whereby i will sit by my study table at home, and get bored of studying that i open my little drawer and looked thru the letters ppl sent to me. it's just a reminiscence activity that i like to engage myself in to allow myself to be reminded of the fact that i have friends, not those hi-bye friends who sometimes i don't even remember their names on the streets and just gave that hey-i-know-you-but-not-your-name kinda gesture.

just a few pointers i have noted from the letters. not going to name names, becuz i rather it be all nameless.

this person got me started on sending letters and hardly ever fails to send me one during festive seasons. although we don't really talk much ever since we're not classmates anymore, but it doesn't really matter. unknown to her, it's a great pleasure to recieve a greeting from her every now and then. it's those feeling of that person still having that closeness of friendship for you that makes it feel satisfying.

this person sent me cute letters during festive seasons. i don't really like the cuteness of those letters though. i'm not even into cute things. perhaps by social desirability, or perhaps genetically, i'm someone with a X chromosome in my 23rd pair of chromosomes which makes me a guy, who doesn't like cute things by nature.

this person have stopped sending letters to me and we seemed to have broken all sources of contacts ever since we stopped chatting up. her letters were those one of a kind thingy at first with the spiral style and putting tea leaves inside, then it got kinda plain afterwards. the only one whom i found out today who signed off with 'Love', once, and wrote 'Hope that we'll been friends forever" which got me wondering does she hates being friends with me because she hopes our friendship is a 'been' forever? with the weird habit of writing down the time she wrote the letters, she's one weird friend.

this person only sent me once, by hand, and actually wanted to pass it to me without my knowledge. one of the crappiest card i've recieved so far but perhaps the one with most effort put in with all the cuttings with the penknife. and so far, this was the only birthday card which have wishes for me that i have actually fulfilled, partially. other cards normally just wish that i will have a girl soon or something similar. but it never really did happen.

exams coming in less than a month, and it will be over in less than a month. looking forward and backward at this point of time. sure, i'll be 21 by then. R(A) movies, let's go!

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