Friday, March 13, 2009


the late nights and early morns and draining me of life.

read a book "in the name of love" yesterday in the library while i was there enjoying the air con in the hot afternoon. not bad. i read until i fell asleep for a good 10 min or so.

book was on the ideologies of love, saying that we have all been influenced in some ways (music, culture, movies, etc) to form certain ideologies in love which is double-edged. when love strayed from the tracks, that's when it becomes something dangerous for the perfectionist. or, the ppl surrounding the perfectionist. the main cases brought upon for discussion were on murdurers (all males) who killed their wives and girlfriends in the name of love.

i only read like... 10 pages at most. before i couldn't stand those words and dozed off.

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