Sunday, December 2, 2012

another classic chinese song

which i can sing because it doesnt need a high pitch. haha...

我可以很久不和你连络 任日子一天天这么过
让自己忙碌可以当作藉口 逃避想念你的种种软弱
自 (歌词转自 音魁网
我可以学会对你很冷漠 为何学不会将爱没收
面对你是对我最大的折磨 这些年始终没有对你说
网 (歌词转自 音魁网
爱你越久我越被动 只因你的爱居无定所
k (歌词转自 音魁网
爱你越久我越被动 只因我的爱不再为你挥霍

and i think it's a beautiful song which describes a man's complex feelings towards a girl he loves deeply  initially.
but due to the girl's floating love, the guy's feelings got a bit passive
could it be a defense mechanism acting up on the guy's part?
since the other person doesnt really care, so in order to protect myself, i will react in the same way
yet the most cruel thing about this reaction is that the person still have strong attachment towards the other and secretly hoping for a change that the girl is not capable or willing of.
hence, he is suffering from the attachment, but still not wanting to let go.
just my own interpretation.

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