Monday, July 30, 2012

A little lost

Today's the first day of my temp job as an assistant data analyst over at the public service division under pm's office. Waited around most of the time for the admin stuff, tried to understand the procedures of the ongoing project. At the moment, the things to settle are mostly administrative and logistics stuff pertaining to the collection of data, i.e. giving out surveys to be filled. So not really analysing work in that sense. Feel okay, saw 3 familiar faces, all 3 in the same cluster group as me working closely on the project.

The office has a special working environment. There are many clusters in the office, but there are no permanent seats for us except the room for directors or their pa. So basically, every morning we just go into office and sit whenever we want as long as it is unoccupied. Quite a pretty cool concept, but maybe I'll just stay in one place. Haha..

Felt a little lost in the morning. Not because of the new working environment, but because I received the rejection letter from spf. I was rejected to be a senior officer. The reason immediately went to the things I said during the manpower interview. Perhaps because I talked about the bond, perhaps it was my appendix surgery, perhaps they just don't like me. Tried to shake off these feelings with the feelings of novelty being in a whole new environment. Worked somehow, but still kinda down when I think about it. Well, at least now I don't have to worry about shift hours.

Yn was rather sad when she heard the news too. But she kept her tears till at night when we were talking over the phone. It felt better to have someone sharing the sadness. But we kinda have different views when her mum asked me to go visit a fortune teller . I was reluctant to because I don't really believe and even if it helps, I hope that I can do it on my own accord instead of borrowing help. Her mum was pretty insistent too, let's see how after the Beijing trip.

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