Wednesday, September 28, 2011


as of now, as the night enters into its peak, the clouds gather in the night sky, forming a grayish/reddish blanket over the stars. the wind blows, while being channeled by the tall buildings, through the windows, into my room.

i stood by the windows, enjoying the strong winds before the rain comes.

a slight emotional turmoil over the weekends.
something which i haven't felt in a long time.
but it turned out to be quite okay.
and i hope it either stays that way, or move on to something better.

now as the rain arrives, i'm forced to shut my windows.
and with my door closed also, it may seemed i'm locked from inside.
yet in this little space i called my room,
i'm comfortable.

except when the hunger comes.

anyway, finally rid myself off from the surveys.
should be earning 700 bucks.
but i don't think they gonna pay me that fast.

thinking of a new desktop.
but then again, what's the use if i don't have time for games?

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