Monday, March 7, 2011

to love; or not to love?

a friend of mine mentioned about a decision not to fall in love.
somehow triggers that curious mind of mine.
does someone really decide whether or not to fall in love?
or do ppl just fall in love, without deciding?
is it a conscious effort?
or is it conscious, but involuntary?
or is it a more simpler and understandable of...
'i know i am falling in love with you, and i'm falling on my own'

empirical question?
haha.. i don't even know how to test.
no time to think of such things when i just wasted a whole weekend (thurs night till sun night) doing nothing.
my doing nothing = reading less than 100 pages of my textbook. wtf?
i can read those pages in a night if i want to.
i'm totally procrastinating becuz the darn quiz is on wed.
damn my auto-procrastinating mood.

that reminds me of autoreceptors, which are receptor sites on the presynaptic sites of the neuron, a.k.a the terminal bouton, that somehow acts like a feedback loop on the amount of neurotransmitter present in the synapse and then regulate the release of the neurotransmitter in question.

i never really appreciate the beauty of biology until i meet psychology.

it's like...
i never really appreciate the beauty of breasts until i met my girlfriend.
hmm... nice analogy.

maybe my creativity and non-sense peaks at an unbelievably high when it's way past midnight.

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