Friday, September 26, 2008

HQ gathering

it's another great gathering for the hq officers as a farewell dinner to send joseph and eugene off for their overseas studies. with the 3 bosses, excluding mine. lots of laughter, with the siao jimmy. although it's our treat to the bosses this time round... 44 bucks is still quite a big amt. = to my one week's expenditure i think.

haven't been studying for the past few days, just playing dmc3 on my ps2. was quite irritated when i overwrote my newly created game. so the 3+ hrs i spent on playing that character went down the drain.

came home when i told my parents i'm not. so have to call up my dad in the middle of the night to wake him up and unlatched the door for me. guilt.

got interested in matters of a platonic relationship. was reading up a book titled "We are just good friends" or something like that. maybe if i have more time... i'll just stay in the library and read that book all day long. but i'll probably fall asleep halfway thru. there're some pretty good examples inside. gay and straight female, straight guy and girl, etc.

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