Tuesday, March 26, 2013

a visit to a hydroponic farm

went to Oh Chin Huat Hydroponic farm yesterday as the interaction day event for my division.
damn hot ah...

but it's an indication to myself that my immune system is not that well.
they tested 'error' for my level of anti-oxidants. haha..

here's something to remind myself what to look out for (from yahoo~!)

Top antioxidant rich foods!

Antioxidants are highly essential today, considering the worldwide spread of different cancers and other life-threatening health conditions.

Be it a short trip to the supermarket, or a visit to the local vegetable market, here is a list of foods that are packed with antioxidants, and you should definitely be getting them home.


Probably the most versatile fruit (yes fruit!); tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, which is an amazing antioxidant that you can put to use. Also, tomatoes give you that extra boost of vitamins A and C, which help keep the body functioning to its optimum level.
Best of all, the tomato ketchup that you use so liberally, also contains a huge amount of lycopene.


A favorite in the monsoons, corn is packed full of antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin C. Plus, it helps protect your eyes, so be sure to load up on these on your next trip to the supermarket.


You may hate it for all the reasons, but the fact is, Popeye got the girl (and his muscles too) thanks to this one single greenie. Loaded with iron, and an amazing blood purifier, spinach is one of the best foods to add to your diet. It also contains the antioxidant lutein, and the essentials beta carotene and zeaxanthin which help protect your body against the various ill-effects of free radical damage.


Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are not just meant to be in your ice creams, make it a point to eat these fruits raw, or as juices. Loaded with vitamin C, anthocyanins and quercetin, these berries can be added to your morning cereal, or whip up a handful of berries with a cup of yogurt, for freshly prepared fruit yogurt.

Bell peppers

They come in three colors and make your salads and pizzas colorful, but that’s just food for the eye. It may seem to be untrue, but bell peppers have more vitamin C than an orange; all the more reason to add them to your pizza toppings. Also, the threesome is known for their abundance in vitamins A, C and E.


It adds flavor to your dishes, and keeps your heart healthy, but there’s much more to this teeny tiny herb than just this. Garlic helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol and acts as a natural antibiotic. Just a clove of garlic contains vitamins A, C, E and the essential minerals selenium, sodium, iodine, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and potassium.
i'll start off with efforts to eat tomatoes.
whenever and wherever they appear out of nowhere.

organized a mini interaction game for my division yesterday as part of the RUM.
didn't really go as plan but it was still consider something.

i should get myself motivated to do the stuff i've been wanting to do for quite a long while.
days, weeks, months, and even years.
some things have to be timely, so I will be.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Gfac refresher

It's been a whole week of refresher for gfac. Things started out kinda fast. When I arrived at plab, they said I'm expected to do a sim by that afternoon. I was quite taken aback by the speed, but still went through it quite okay~ made a friend there, an older friend, who helped me along quite a bit to catch up on speed. Travelling is a major time consumer, whether is it going to plab, or pawai.

The 2 days trip back to pawai brought back some familiar scenery. The serenity of the place was something that seems missing from my normal days. And the most interesting Ns experience from this reservist was having 12 of us, getting stuck on a small patch of land in the middle of the sea because of low tide and the person who controlled the ferry crushed into the land. We were just swinging left and right for a while. Lucky the high tide came pretty soon for us to start getting back to main land. We were all wet from the runnin to the jetty under the rain. Getting stuck on the land, and having the rain, wasn't really the best thing to happen. Just an unique one. Haha..

Something that struck me was the seriousness of my role in the army and the attitude that some of the commandos showed. The instructors on the course were proficient and serious about imparting the skills of gfac. Cause the role holds great pivoting power which could turn the table if critically placed. The fire power that I wield with just a signal set is tremendous given that I'm just one person. One guy I quite admired was a staff sgt called victor. He was, to me, the showing of what a dedicated soldier should be. He train by challenging himself, doing his best, making sure he's fully prepared, always prepared to help educate less-proficient gfac like me. Haha.. I wonder, was it the commando that made him this way, or because it's who he is, that's why he became a commando.

Another week is going to start for my work at dso. I just had a run this morn I sbw, felt quite good. I will let this energy run through me, throughout the week.